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GMAT Timer

4.0 ( 9760 ratings )
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Utvecklare: Database Capital
0.99 USD

Pacing yourself is vital to scoring high on the GMAT. The GMAT Timer helps you get a feel for how long you have to answer each test section and each question.

Heres why I developed this app:

There I was studying for the GMAT to get into a top 10 business school. I could get the right answers, but I was taking too long to get them. If only there were an app that alerted me when I needed to move on. If only there were a timer app out there that prevents the screen from turning off while Im in the middle of a test. And for goodness sake, if only there were an app that let me know which question I should be on right now. Surely someone has made an app like that already, right?

Not until now.

I used this app myself and train me to feel when my question time was up, and guess what: my score increased by 50 points, and suddenly b-schools were asking ME to apply. Id recommend this app for anyone who is serious about improving their GMAT score, and is practicing hundreds and hundreds of questions out of a book like I did.

Not only does this app train you to get to the end of the test with just the right amount of time, but also comes with tons of other handy features. For example:

1. Set the timer to take a full test. It will move on exactly how the timer in the real GMAT moves. Plus youll always know exactly what question you should be on.
2. Individual section timers. Need to focus on just one section of the exam? Use our pre-set timers to practice individual sections until youre a master.
3. Time attack mode. Sometimes you dont have exactly 75 minutes to study. Use the time-attack mode to how long you do have with how many questions you want to do.
4. Optional ding or vibration when each question should be completed
5. Displays which question you should be working on
6. Displays timer without turning off the screen

So download the app today and get yourself to your best GMAT score possible.

GMAT is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council, which does not sponsor or endorse this product.

Copyright 2015 Database Capital LLC